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O xornalismo en transición, a antesala dun modelo de ‘Total Journalism’

Journalism is undergoing for a strong metamorphosis in the process of reconfiguration of the media scene. The impact of the internet on the news routines was a turning point in the professional practice. No one doubts the relevance of the recent changes. There have been changes both in the search for material and in the dissemination processes. The result has been a renewed set of steady routines that are living together with more experimental and under construction practices. An overview of the current Journalism, focused mainly on the Iberian Peninsula and in Europe in general, enables us to see that the essence remains. Journalists go on to tell non-fictional stories and they remain mediators who have decisive influence over the current societies.

Author: Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez , Xosé López García Year: 2016Titulo: O xornalismo en transición, a antesala dun modelo de ‘Total Journalism’ Category: Scientific article Title magazine/book: Intercom. Revista Brasileira de Ciências da ComunicaçãoVolume: 39Number: 1Beginning page: 57Ending page: 72City: 1980-3508
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