“Mar adentro” (Alejandro Amenábar. 2004) y las zozobras del cine español
An approach to the obsessive authorial career of Alejandro Amenábar and the striking critical and social conflict that gave rise to the premiere of “Mar adentro”, both for his (apparent) vocation of active proclamation in favor of euthanasia, and for its extraordinary international repercussion and the extreme critical reactions aroused. From the formal analysis of certain figures present in the film and from his study compared to the “TV movie” previously and almost completely unknown about the history of the Galician quadriplegic Ramón Sampedro (“Condenado a vivir”, Roberto Bodegas, 2001) It penetrates the compositional spaces of Amenábar’s cinema, which at the same time allows us to relativize to the maximum the generalized idea of a young film-maker representing the plural and progressive Spain presided over by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.