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How to get into the second: interviews with female creators of contemporary Spanish cinema

Review of the work: Scholz, A., Álvarez, M., Binimelis-Adell, M., Oroz, E. (Eds.)(2021). Entrevistas con creadoras del cine español contemporáneo. Millones de cosas por hacer. Peter Lang.

This book brings together a series of interviews and encounters with women filmmakers of the 21st century whose voices are redrawing national filmmaking, often from the margins of the industry. The introduction outlines the context of this emergence and the main lines of discourse, highlighting the emergence of more or less formal networks that allow them to think collectively. The interviews, conducted by specialists in Spanish cinema and accompanied by special portraits, explore their work and life trajectories, their artistic contributions and the particularities of filmmaking in terms of gender. The experiences of diverse female creators – whose work includes fiction, documentary and animation – offer a multifaceted and decentralised look at contemporary cinema.

Author: Marta Pérez Pereiro Year: 2023Titulo: How to get into the second: interviews with female creators of contemporary Spanish cinema Category: Others Title magazine/book: Obra digitalNumber: 23Beginning page: 147Ending page: 150City: BarcelonaCountry: EspañaURL:
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