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Efecto inmersión y relevancia cognoscitiva en los vídeos de guerra en la Red

The way to represent war and social conflicts have been changing as those have been changing too: the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Arab Springs, the actions of the Islamic State. The webcast amateur images are replacing the professional journalistic stories. As seemingly unrelated fragments, they form a visual mosaic characterized by immediacy, rawness and poorly development. They are imposed thanks to the heightened sense of realism that manage to convey and the subjective view whereby the viewer is transported to the scene of action. In brief, our goal will be to check the degree of knowledge that should be acquired regarding conflicts through the analysis of this videos located on the internet.

Author: Fernando Redondo Neira Year: 2017Titulo: Efecto inmersión y relevancia cognoscitiva en los vídeos de guerra en la Red Category: Scientific article Title magazine/book: Estudios sobre el Mensaje PeriodísticoVolume: 23Number: 1Beginning page: 179Ending page: 190ISSN: 1988-2696URL:
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