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Debates abertos en torno aos medios públicos audiovisuais galegos: xustificar o inxustificable?

The context of the deep economic crisis puts the public media in general, and to Galicia in particular, at the crossroads of values that require them to justify the unjustifiable, meaning this last not need justification because it is obvious. TV and in times of crisis. And the questions that arise lead to having to justify the unjustifiable: why should keep the public audiovisual media in this context of economic complexity? Given an affirmative answer, the following questions is raised around costs should survive the media? How many workers are needed to ensure its quality? What content should be kept and which are expendable? What role should continue taking the public media in the visual structure today? Confused, because the need to justify the unjustifiable with the challenge of reviewing, readaptar, resize and reacomodar means public to the new realities and new contexts hipervisibilizados a result of the complex economic situation of the government responsible to insure its financial base. And the the Galician public audiovisual media gathered around CRTVG participate in this context, so this article is presented as an open space for reflection and critical analysis of the current situation after nearly three decades of evolution. The generic title: “Open Debates about the Galician public
audiovisual media: to justify the unjustifiable?” compiles and notes a number of issues, ending 2012, hoarding the visibility of these social media.

Author: Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez Year: 2012Titulo: Debates abertos en torno aos medios públicos audiovisuais galegos: xustificar o inxustificable? Category: Scientific article Title magazine/book: Anuário Internacional da Comunicaçao Lusófona 2012. Medios públicos e espazo lusófono. Santiago de Compostela: Lusocom/AgacomBeginning page: 35Ending page: 44Editorial: LUSOCOM/AGACOM
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