Cursos de formación, seminarios e congresos

Presentation of “Os amorodos de Bergman”

At Couceiro bookshop at 19.30h

The Audiovisual Studies Research Group member Fernando Redondo Neira presents the 2nd of July “Os amorodos de Bergman”, awarded work in the last obra edition of the Ramón Piñeiro Prize of Essay , given by the Ramón Piñeiro center and the Galaxia editorial. Couceiro bookshop will host the act at 19.30h on Tuesday, in which the author will be accompanied by Francisco Castro, general director of Galaxia, and in charge of the publication of the chosen text, and Valentín García Gómez, general secreatary of Linguistic Politics.

Fernando Redondo’s essay starts from the film register of the trips of the Sociedade de Amigos do Campo in order to reflect on the moving image, offering a vision of cinema as a second chance for memory, as a second perception of what is lived. The jury highlighted the historical, anthropological, semiotic, artistic and memorial value of “Os amorodos de Bergman”, from a perspective that takes a philosophical and technological position that situates Galicia in the beginning of universal film History.

Title of the course: Presentación de "Os amorodos de Bergman"Description: Na libraría Couceiro ás 19.30hDates: 02/07/2019 - 02/07/2019Location: Libraría Couceiro (Santiago de Compostela)
02/07/2019Libraría Couceiro (Santiago de Compostela)
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