Seminar on Responsible Media and Critical Societies. Efficiency and acceptance of conquest surrender in Galicia
Presentation of the results of the project MediaACES (MINECO/FEDER, UE, ref: CSO2015-66404-P)
On Thursday, November 29, 2018, the Faculty of Sciences of Communication of the USC will host the seminar Responsible media and critical citizens. Efficacy and acceptance of accountability in Galicia, in which the results of the R+D+i project ‘Accountability and Journalistic Cultures in Spain will be presented. Impact and proposal of good practices in the Spanish media’ (MediaACES | MINECO / FEDER, UE, ref: CSO2015-66404- P). This is a research conducted by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra in which the Audiovisual Studies Group of the USC participates, as well as the International University of La Rioja, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Universitat Jaume I and the University of Sevilla.
In order to detect the journalistic cultures existing in different territories of Spain as well as to examine the impact of the accountability systems, the project carried out a survey of professionals from Galicia, Madrid, Catalonia and Euskadi, mainly, to be able to know their opinions at first hand. In addition, in this first phase of the research, the research team sought to know the impressions that citizens have on the accountability of the media through focus groups, discussion groups also held in the different territories of the sample.
The main researcher of the project, Marcel Mauri, of the Pompeu Fabra University, and the researcher Marta Pérez Pereiro, of the Audiovisual Studies Group of the USC, will be in charge of informing in Compostela the data extracted up to now. These will serve to open a colloquium with the assistants. Aimed at professionals and students in the field of communication, the seminar seeks to generate a debate with the people attending to compare the results achieved and gather their impressions on the journalistic culture of the territory.
The event, free entry, begins at 12.00 in Room 8 of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. In addition to Santiago, the seminar will also be held in the rest of the headquarters of the different universities participating in the research.

29/11/2018Facultade de Ciencias da Comunicación. Aula 8