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Unha aproximación ao escenario laboral da industria da música en Galicia

The music industry in Galicia, due to its dimension, strategy, identity elements, authorship, entrepreneurship… needs of punctual studies and following in time that show its reality and evolution. With the data obtained and the hypothesis formulated in these sector works, we will be in conditions of reaching proposals and strategies for the best development of music industry in our community, as well  as its international projection. In this case, it is show, as a primitive advance, where is situated and what is the administrative fragmentation and behavior of the work market in this sector and which are the opportunities that can offer.

Author: Xaime Fandiño, Zósimo López Pena e Henrique Neira Pereira Year: 2016Titulo: Unha aproximación ao escenario laboral da industria da música en Galicia Category: Book chapter Title magazine/book: A comunicación en Galicia 2015. Xosé López García e Rosa Aneiros (coord.)Beginning page: 195Ending page: 210City: Santiago de CompostelaCountry: Galicia (España)Editorial: Consello da Cultura Galega
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