Mesa redonda: El reestreno de “El mundo sigue”
In the framework of the congress “El mundo sigue, redescubrimiento de un clásico”, Juan Estelrich, fil director, restorer of El mundo sigue and godson of Fernando Fernán-Gómez, José Luis Castro de Paz (University of Santiago de Compostela), film historian and specialist in the film work of Fernán-Gómez, Cristina Ros Berenguer (University of Alicante), specialist in the literary work of Fernán-Gómez, Belén Vidal (King’s College London), Spanish cinema researcher, and Ralf Junkerjürgen (University of Regensburg), cinema and culture researcher de España, discussed the impact of the revival of El mundo sigue and the importance of Fernán-Gómez work for Spanish cinema history. The event took place in the University of Regensburg (Germany) on 29th April 2016.