"Tag: Spanish Cinema"
The economic crisis of 2008 through four film documentaries: Testimony, debate and reflection
The purpose of this article is to study how the documentary represented the deep economic crisis that began in 2008 in Spain. We propose to apply a methodology of filmic analysis that let us generate a new knowledge about this issue. We will study Edificio España (Víctor Moreno, 2012), Libre…
Female puzzle bodies in the drift of serial fantasy silent films
The main object of study in this research is the cut of the female body in Spanish fantastic silent cinema, designing its own methodology of analysis, which will be called the Triple Cut. The evolution of the different cuts that cross the bodies will be analysed in the drift of…
Metamorphosis from silent dynamic rhythm to the passivity of the body in fiction
In its beginnings, silent cinema emphasised the expressive and communicative potential of the body by exacerbating gestures and actions. However, today's fictional cinema is confronted with an opposite tendency: the passivity of body movement. This study analyses the representation of the body in three films of today's silent cinema from…
Servant girls and middle-class ladies in pre-development Madrid. Saura and Patino in the IIEC
The film production of the Instituto de Investigaciones y Experiencias Cinematográficas (IIEC) and its successor the Escuela Oficial de Cinematografía (EOC) offers, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, first-rate material for studying how Spanish cinema during the Franco period represented the city of Madrid. Based on a detailed analysis of…
Berlanga, Fernán Gómez and the path towards a popular, crusty and grotesque Iberian modernity
The revisiting of Spanish Republican cinema, as well as that produced in the first post-war decades, carried out since the end of the last century by a new historiography that uses film analysis as an unavoidable methodological weapon, constitutes the starting point to delve into the deep parallels and intertwining…
International Congress of Hispanism and Cinema
VI TECMERIN academic meeting at UC3M

The International Congress of Hispanism and Cinema – VI TECMERIN academic meeting will take place from 2nd to 5th of July at the University Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). The coordinator of the Audiovisual Studies Research Group, Margarita Ledo Andión, will screen her film Santa Liberdade (2004) on Friday 5th…
“Devuélvanme lo que me han quitado”. Entrevista con Gemma Cuervo
In a few days Gemma Cuervo is going tobe 80 years old and we want to discuss a job that she carried out more than 50 years ago. Alongside the interview, we not only go deep in the knowledge about her work with Fernán-Gómez in this film, but, through the…
Mesa redonda: El reestreno de “El mundo sigue”
In the framework of the congress “El mundo sigue, redescubrimiento de un clásico”, Juan Estelrich, fil director, restorer of El mundo sigue and godson of Fernando Fernán-Gómez, José Luis Castro de Paz (University of Santiago de Compostela), film historian and specialist in the film work of Fernán-Gómez, Cristina Ros Berenguer…
O Cine de Fernando Rey. Azar, dor, tenacidade e talento
Voces sobre películas: Los últimos de Filipinas
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