Experimentar, innovar e aprender
20 years of ciberjournalism of proximity have allowed many and varied initiatives in different places of the globe. We can sum up the way, that allows us to speak of a majority of age of Ciberjournalism in this modality, at least in the conventions applied to the evolution of people, taking 18 as the age limit in order to determinate the whole capacity of action, in a journey of experimentation, several innovations and many lessons to learn of mistakes and successes.
Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez
, Xosé López García Year: 2017Titulo: Experimentar, innovar e aprender
Book chapter
Title magazine/book: Media e jornalismo de proximidade na era digital. Pedro Jerónimo (org.)Beginning page: 137Ending page: 146City: CovilhàCountry: PortugalEditorial: Universidade da Beira Interior ISBN: 978-989-654- 390-7