"Tag: Wenceslao Fernández Flórez"
Berlanga, Fernán Gómez and the path towards a popular, crusty and grotesque Iberian modernity
The revisiting of Spanish Republican cinema, as well as that produced in the first post-war decades, carried out since the end of the last century by a new historiography that uses film analysis as an unavoidable methodological weapon, constitutes the starting point to delve into the deep parallels and intertwining…
Costumismo, humor, melancolía, reflexividade: Impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez no cinema español
“Cara unha reconsideración da cultura posbélica: análise dos modos de representación no cinema español (1939-1962) a partir da impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez” (Ministerio de Economía e Competitividade. Goberno de España. CSO2012-34648)
The year of the 50th anniversary of the death of the Galician writer Wenceslao Fernández Flórez’s (1885-1964) the Symposium “Costumismo, humor, melancolía, reflexividade: impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez no cinema español” aims to thoroughly explore how the stylistic, formal and thematic peculiarities of the Modes of representation in postwar Spanish…
Presentation of the second issue of the journal Volvoreta in Madrid

The second issue of Volvoreta. Revista de Literatura, Periodismo e Historia del Cine  will be presented this Wednesday, April 3rd, at the Cine Doré -Filmoteca Española in Madrid.  José Luis Castro de Paz (member of the Audiovisual Studies Research Group and president of the Wenceslao Fernández Flórez Foundation), Josetxo Cerdán (Director of…
Presentation of the second issue of the journal Volvoreta at CGAI

The second issue of Volvoreta. Revista de Literatura, Periodismo e Historia del Cine  will be presented this Saturday, March 2nd, at the Centro Galego de Artes da Imaxe (CGAI) in A Coruña. The event will begin at 6:00 pm and will be attended by José Luis Castro de Paz (member of…
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