Estudos Audiovisuais: Contidos, formatos e tecnoloxía Grupo de Referencia Competitiva do SUG
Jesús J. Blanco Rosas
Affiliated Members

Journalist, historian and professor of Geography and History at the University of Vigo. He dedicated most of his research activity to the topics of the culture of emigration and the Galician media in the foreign countries. He holds a PhD in Geography and History from the University of Santiago de Compostela and a Master in Journalism from the University of the Basque Country and the newspaper El Correo. Some of his most outstanding works in this field are the PhD Thesis “Historia de la radiodifusión gallega en Argentina (1930-1984)” and the monographs “Maruxa Boga. Remembering Galicia” (aCentralfolque, 2018) and “Galicia Emigrante. Prensa y radio en el exilio gallego” (A Nosa Terra, 2010). As a journalist, Jesús Blanco’s professional activity covers media such as Diario de Pontevedra, Europa Press, La Voz de Galicia or Radio Líder.

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