Cursos de formación, seminarios e congresos

Audiovisual communication: university research and education. II colloquium Brazil-Spanish State Sciences Communication

The purpose of the organization of this event was to deepen the relationship between university education and research, according to the perspective of the space of audiovisual communication in specific and locate the differences between the offers of professional training centers and other entities that guide the research under administrative, hyperpragmatic, or commercial objectives.

The event counted with the participation of outstanding professionals of the academic and scientific field, as well as with the economic contributions of a series of institutions of public and private initiative.

The results of this forum allowed observing the position occupied by the Audiovisual Communication at the strategic level, its role in cultural and political identities and the responsibility of configuring, from the university, knowledge proposals that allow the performance and systematization of the analysis, multiple and dialectic of a phenomenon that is based on the concretization of multilateral research.

Title of the course: Comunicación audiovisual: investigación e formación universitarias. II coloquio Brasil-Estado español Ciencias ComunicaciónDates: 23/11/1998 - 25/11/1998Location: Santiago de Compostela
23/11/1998Santiago de Compostela
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