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Propuesta de alfabetización mediática ante los estereotipos de género en los medios de comunicación.

Resultados y valoración de 'Rostros de Mujer'.

Educating today’s society requires moving towards to new forms of literacy that promote a critical attitude towards the media, as a responsibility shared by various actors. In this paperwork, we propose an innovative resource to improve media education, aimed at different groups, addressing gender stereotypes that appear in different media of communication through the virtual chat rooms called “Faces of Women”. Below you can find the results obtained after its implementation, and the evaluation of a group of experts who have been interviewed. The results allow us to make progress towards achieving citizenship media, which interacts with the media, critically analyzing messages and screens, due to the development of media skills.

Author: Ana Isabel Rodríguez Vázquez , Rosa García Ruiz, Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Year: 2015Titulo: Propuesta de alfabetización mediática ante los estereotipos de género en los medios de comunicación. Category: Scientific article Title magazine/book: Prisma Social. Revista de Ciencias SocialesNumber: 13Beginning page: 576Ending page: 609ISSN: 1989-3469URL:
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