Novas e Axenda Bota un ollo á actividade do GEA

José Luis Castro de Paz will close the International Conference Cinema and Television in Spain during the Post-Transition


A Universidade Carlos III de Madrid (Campus de Xetafe) acollerá entre o mércores 9 e o venres 11 de decembro o Congreso Internacional El cine y la televisión en la España de la Post-Transición (1979-1992), organizado polo Grupo de Investigación TECMERIN (Televisión y Cine: Memoria, Representación e Industria).
Preto de medio centenar de comunicacións reflexionarán sobre o desenvolvemento do cinema e a televisión durante o proceso de consolidación da democracia en España, nun evento científico no que terá unha destacada presenza o I+D+i Cara a unha reconsideración da cultura posbélica: análise dos modos de representación no cinema español (1939-1962) a partir da impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez (CSO2012-34648, Plan Nacional de I+D+i 2013-2015, Mineco – Goberno de España), posto que o congreso será clausurado polo Investigador Principal do Proxecto, José Luis Castro de Paz, coa conferencia Formas de la Post-Transición.
Máis información na páxina web do congreso.

Margarita Ledo Andión takes part in the conference “50 anos do 25 de abril “.
The Emeritus Professor of the GEA will be participating in the colloquium: "O 25 de abril do outro lado do Miño" at the Faculty of Philology of the USC.

The Carnation Revolution, the military uprising of 25 April 1974 in Portugal, known in Portuguese as the Revolução dos Cravos, brought down in one day the dictatorial political regime that had existed in the neighbouring country since 1926. The five days that make up the programme of the conference commemorating the 50th anniversary of this […]

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30th AGAPI anniversary
The second journey will take place on Wednesday 17 April at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).

In 2024 AGAPI celebrates its 30th anniversary and one of the actions it is going to carry out is the celebration of itinerant training sessions in the three Galician universities in the faculties of Information Sciences within the Audiovisual Communication Degree at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), University of Vigo (UVigo) and University […]

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Roi Méndez & Rocío del Pilar Sosa present The White Book for teaching through virtual TV sets
The lecture at the Open Universiteit took place on 8th March.

The conference Cloudclass: Innovative teaching with virtual studio technology took place on 8 March 2024 at the Open Universiteit (Heerlen). Educators, technical experts and students gathered to delve into the field of immersive technology and its applications in education. The event, which marked the culmination of the CloudClass: Low Cost, Mobile, Cloud &Template Based Augmented Reality […]

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